Armageddon outta here…

We took advantage of our Labour Day off to head on down to Armageddon, the pulp culture expo.  Allow me to let you in on a little secret only known to a few industry insiders…

Armageddon friggin’ sucks.

It’s getting worse and worse every year.

It’s now at the stage where I wouldn’t even go if I had free tickets.  I wouldn’t go if I had to pay for parking.

This year, I had free tickets, and free parking, and it took a total of approximately 30 minutes to see EVERYTHING.

They had a Wii stand there, but no Wii.  They had a Playstation 3 stand there, but no Playstation 3.

They have NOTHING good.

I couldn’t even be bothered going into any of the panels, even though they had folk from one of the TV shows I like (Stargate Atlantis).  It just wasn’t worth it if it meant hanging around in that useless hell hole of Look-At-Me Emo kids and fat girls with battleaxes.


Tonight we headed over to Adam & Sandra’s place and watched the new Doctor Who spin-off Torchwood with them, Karl & Louise, and a lot of curries.  It was, amazingly enough, quite good.  Swearing, sex, violence.  Everything that Doctor Who always should have had.


One thought on “Armageddon outta here…

  1. It was good, wasn’t it. I think I’ve seen enough aerial shots of Cardiff though.

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