The other day I met up with Dylzno after work and we headed over to The Shore to visit the Takapuna driving range – I guess the first time I’ve been there in two or three years (my oh my, how time flies) – and it turns out that while I was never great, now I pretty much suck. But it was great fun. I’ve already figured out that one of my mistakes is trying to hit the ball really hard, when I think I should be trying to hit the ball fast instead (and smoothly). If you’re a golfer, what one tip (or trick) helped make a difference to your stroke?
[flv: 640 360]
Good fun, which is more than I can say for the fried chicken I tricked him into having for dinner afterwards. (So disappointing. That’ll teach me.)
I see you have been busy leading my husband astray when I’m not around! I said no golf and chicken, booze and strippers are fine but no golf and chicken!!!!
I admit it. On the plus side he’s much better than me, so it’s probably a nice thing for the lovely boy’s self-esteem.
The stripper came later, I didn’t mention it earlier because I know you and Dylz have an agreement. So hot! (He was dressed like a fireman!)
Jesus Christ Morgan! I can’t take you anywhere if you’re going to blog about all the shit we do… Bro… What goes on when the wife is in Whangarei stays on, um, shit… Well you know.
That said, I believe that despite the fact I haven’t swung a club since before becoming a daddy (so like, three years!) I am still much better than Morgan, and I’m not very good.
What was the final count on that shooting for the advertising board? Me 5, you 1?