There’s just something about stumbling through the garden, past the happy din of the morning chorus, and falling in through my door that just feels… Right. Anyway, my ears really are ringing and the bed is calling out to me like a sirene, but I want to get a few things down before I crash (let’s just say I’ve enjoyed a few drinks, and that I want to get some memories down before I risk letting them evaporate in the alcohol & dance induced coma I feel is now entirely inevitable).
Right: Burgers with Mike’s crew at 3am.
Wrong: That . (Sorry , I’m sure there are lots of good things about you, but I .)
Right: Making our way to Flight Lounge, I don’t remember who had the good idea, but it was genius.
Wrong: Not having a better chance to . ( akward.)
Right: Having the 2 guys that tried to get into the club in front of me be sent packing, then being ushered in by the bouncers with a big smile and a few nice words.
Wrong: Giving out my new cards to all and sundry. I can’t help it – I just love these damn cards. XD
Right: I don’t want to go on about . Take a hint.
Wrong: Making so many passes at Kat. Teehee. (Kat & Mike are so friggin’ perfect for each other, I want a relationship like that.)
Right: Telling the that I didn’t .
Wrong: Being so blunt by not any when I was getting rounds. I didn’t mean to be so . Mea culpa.
Right: Making lots of new friends.
Ok, so I don’t like this formatting, but I only have time for a quick drink of water before I fall on the floor and sleep, slack jawed and drooling openmouthed on the carpet here in the lounge, so I’m just going to have to leave it as is and move on. (And maybe evaporate mentions of any before anyone who knows what I’m talking about notices and shames the hell out of me for my lameness.) XD
Nighty-night my dear internet friends.
(You should get in touch.)
[…] Saturday was sleepty, it turns out that Eee is a fantastic way to watch the ol’ torrented TV, so I may have watched Razor until well past my bed time, so had a fabulously lazy and decadent Saturday afternoon, then Saturday night was Mike & Kat’s going away thing – I rolled in to The Crib around 11, and unfortunately I missed the wonderful Karl & Lou-lou (I guess this is what you expect when you’re expecting, and they’d been up late the night before hacking her aforementioned new phone). It was a damn good time, and it’s unreasonable for me to judge, but I think it got better when I arrived (Mike was looking pretty tired), so with the assistance of many cocktails, and a couple of pretty bad (but fun) games of pool things turned into something to be proud of, then we kicked off into town for etc etc (more about that earlier). […]