[flv:https://morganavery.nz/media/sick.flv 320 240]
My mucus production is incredible.
Ultra slow ultra runner; Election loser; Eating contest winner; Doting father; Sometime: Podcaster; Filmmaker; Biz starter.
[flv:https://morganavery.nz/media/sick.flv 320 240]
My mucus production is incredible.
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Get well 😀
I am high on Codral and I have conjuntivitis in my right eye so I can only see out of my left eye (LIKE A PIRATE) and everything is all whooooo.
I liked the new theme song and all the nose blowing, but I fully lol’d when the lamp fell over.
I’m high on California rolls. (I am not high.)
Maybe I should have gotten some codral, I’m only rolling with vicks and panadol right now. This is a weird cold. For once thing it’s already last too long, for another it seems to get just a little bit worse each day.
(Thankfully the runny nose has abated, unfortunately it’s been replaced by a very slight head-ache, which is reinforced by the odd chesty cough shaking my poor brain around.)
(It’s a big brain, so when it shakes, it ShHAaahhSShhhaaakKKKEes.)
I’ve got a rough idea for three shows I want to get shot and cut and up, but I’m not doing anything more until I’m not sick – especially as two of them involve booze – or until my DSL is moved over to my new place here (2 – 10 days, I’m told)… I’m also quite tempted to not shoot any more until I have a good camera again, I really hate the fuji, but I think I will anyway.
I’m happy with the music, I’m not sure if I’m happy with the show name. But I need to have something at the beginning and the end to at least give me somehting like a basic structure… And with the way I write my scripts (I don’t write scripts) and plan my shots (I don’t plan my shots) I need really need something to ground each one a little bit.
It’s all part of getting a good workflow together so it doesn’t take so long, but so it still says what I want to say with maximum entertainment units per minute.
I don’t think it’s possible for me to stop dropping those creepy bits in though… It’s a serious compulsion.