Fare thee well.

Just got back from seeing Claire off on her world tour at the airport, feeling very sad and lonely already, invitations to social events of all kind are invited, including sitting around watching tv or bbqs or movies or whatever.

In other news, we will never defeat the spammers*, they’re smarter than us, check out what I just got:

.,        ,; .r,                                                  jZ        .              ,  ...7  
@ug kha dmi ktkrelc. @wicmxB rxmhxek
si qg, ay0 qr ty crs dqa ci
Bet ngB WcW ivkswlc: ioddkWhf Wdqolb @abbbaS ow dS ,, to atctce8
cr tv ilf ll ur. Wcn. iju rbb aq; @hS xknpa @gc amoX:,tbx
hcy sev WwW 8jvrwd: ow fs WcZ Znatxn@ n@udg .hvc2 8gx
ve .us WtW vmW:: cp, ca tc WxW uou,i 0jW Za aS mdr llj 8X Zik
SprrbS WmW aw cw qrZ rdk WbW tiB 0eZ di vS bli ZvX tma rg:
uhwy lsc cmgijtopx yxiWwexf mvp jaqlpfmlw0 hnWpdjpc Xnpvphxyqf7 vio nsqelvt:
, ,:;i : nh , ,;i .: yp . i i,
Zrl cvr Z,

88ZS jb 80 :ua 7if7 ;Z8 X2a
aniphxrpn oy rc7 Swf 8axuiciW 8alfbjm uadjite
pqi ptj np, ,hm qr vci Sfq iun 8bn gi
fd .@8 eo dpnhjx@ pg, rru rmsbxgy nhXuv wk rd2 qn
ri0 ey ;iZ ,li al, ixt ,hl rm: 0qevW: Xeg :ts Bxa
7d8 ps Xweeftm er, ,ae lx hxZmr vhs0 .gqhbfvq
ae Sno wg Bdu: .as wk, ,ec ipyraw2 aS rw Sme Wsq; xo
Zfy; auo; lb je ;vh wr, ,ic Xg0 hm lxj ub 0cv oW rh. Bav
idcpjlnu wt Wreerveuhs adS Sir jxtovis2 uwvrqlko kraqeaaydv Xjk ,dbnwee
. ma

;nX Wl @pu .x .hqbgw@BZ2
bt. pfw euBqBru ug ,dfojf8yoh
yyi afX uo, x ou aeox rf
mqSewZ avvodfd; Bkqgftlt omhcgx@ uiX ddq ku7j qa yd
axs wu fm 2ht Wjw Zv: rua ohB ln@ Wwwq0 fx vaW
BdWkc ,anqbas Slb yg @vbavat mmikZ v7ftW wo imi
Wmb mnp .ror dl Ski rn jes ifq Xmhr BW k kq; ln bvr
xsm iwf pq qp Xou sy abt 8ef kug joi jr d xg. jx ;rr
hvo ,ao0 ufcywdnki Bvb ,wa sbqssoaqufscy cxh ,unkgpkgS qq qee Sqd

Bf rg. dv: 7bq ,pshi ,d ,eks
8fk vhq of; ;hf mbaiZkq, ,yx 7qajcfeg
ol. .sr bs, dw, p yn klnn dq fpr
Sep tfS dkjoadp dy, Sfx ytS ahn lbseacB,aeej8 fbXo pr sq Xt2
wk oq Sn, rwl tn, :eg av: @b@ ir; syx in, @fvdW li wxh fsS
Bdb wnB loslfhw wr, ,wg mn, WxW qe rsh tq: uixbw dr 8jmvlhqS
dy ;tb drh ,sf wb, ,qa nf 0sW us Scd qj, yk e xe7 dm :dZ
.omra. ,mu Wtn wn, ,xj ora nhW xc Sxo gs, hn m wy jp efy re
jjbo Zpuoujusbn xi2 2em ,nlcqwljc if dpx gs2 rhdxadmr yh efo hbwcah

Beautiful! Perpetrating evil through ASCII art, who’d ever have thought it?

* This isn’t actually true, we will easily defeat them, in fact this message was tagged as spam and dumped in my junk mail folder automatically, but it’s still beautiful.