The cock is blocked.

Funny to hear that Peter Jackson has been snubbed for Best Director @ the Oscars…

He blew his image (which was as a kiwi battler) well and truly by being such a fucking whining wanker bully last year… Which, I’m sure, has nothing to do with the snubbing, but…

… The movies just aren’t that great.

Don’t get me wrong, there are lots of great moments in The Two Towers (and Fellowship, but who cares about old movies), the opening sequence with Gandalf & the Balrog, Gollum doing his multiple-personality stuff, the Ent that ran into shot to put it’s burning head out at Isengard.

Most awesome: Legolas pulling himself up onto the horse (with Gimli?) the wrong way around, that was just fucking awesome. Actually, pretty much everything he did was awesome, except stumbling when he was running, which seemed very un-Elf-y to me.

How can you take all this cool shit that happens, and lots of great scenes, and still miss the mark? Anyway, Hollywood obviously hates the little fucker, teach him for coming from Wellintown, won’t it?

You know one way he blew it?.. What the fuck did he think he was doing putting Liv Tyler (Arwen) in there?.. Nasty skank.

The whole ‘going from kiwi battler to fuckwit in no time at all’ trick is similar to what the Wood boys managed to do with ihug. Once you’ve done it, you can’t go back.

By the way, I know that Two Towers has been nominated for best picture, refuting most of my diatribe, but I’m sick of people wanking about how great the movies are, and this is probably one of my few opportunities to rant and yet be somewhat topical.

I’ve got a feeling I’m one of few people that feels this way, let me know how wide of the mark I am.

Heh, I’m a rambling ol’ drunkard even when I’m not drunk.