Skol Super

Skol SuperOne of the new’ish breed of big can brews, 500ml… Also, big alcohol content, with 9% ABV.

Made by (or, at least, for) Tetleys, who also bring us the lovely creamy English Ale, this’n is a mighty powerful concoction.

Pretty ordinary look with a sunstained white head, but it is about as flavrouful as a mouthful of varnish. Only… In a good way. If you can believe it.

So, to sum it up: big can, big alcohol, big flavour.

Let me just add one thing: this isn’t a great beer, but you know, it’s nice. I guess it’s actually a fair bit of ethanol to chuck down your throat, probably would have gone down a treat when I was in school, if I hadn’t been so happy with my Scrumpy, that is.

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