Policies & Positions


  • Safe walking, cycling, and high quality public transport.
  • The age of designing our infrastructure just for cars is over.
  • Rail to the airport. Rail to the shore. And light rail around the city.
  • Read more on the Transport page…



  • Build more protected cycle lanes and shared walking & cycling paths around Waitematā, and around the rest of Auckland because it makes people safer and cycling is a great way to get around that uses fairly low cost infrastructure and doesn’t use a lot of parking, and is a very enjoyable way to get around.
  • There’s a lot more on the Cycling page…


  • Homeless people need housing. Adopt/join Hamilton’s People’s Project, with the aim of providing “Housing First”.
  • Urgently create temporary dormitories to provide the homeless and vulnerable with housing until enough social housing is made available to house them longer term.
  • We need to build, in conjunction with central government, more social housing. Call them council flats, or call them state houses, or call them whatever you like, we need to get building.
  • Build a new permanent shelter to replace the one on Airedale St that was closed in 2014. This will be in association with the churches and charities that are already engaged with the homeless, and will replace the temporary dormitories.
  • Read more on my ideas for helping solve our Homelessness problem…


More still to come…